31 August 2020

"On Taking Offense" by Melissa

 Two Old Women Moving On - were sent this insightful and wise quote with comment a few days ago. Thank you for sharing, Melissa. It's very deep and beautiful.

From: Melissa
Date: Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 7:52 AM
Subject: Communication

This following, came up in my Facebook memories” today and made me think of some discussions Aunt Carol and I have had, she asked me to forward it to you. I hope you are doing well! Looking forward to your blog, I think this was a wonderful idea!  Wishing you all the best!!! ~ Love, Melissa

This quote really touches my heart. It serves for me, as not only a reminder of it being my own responsibility as to how I choose to respond to what others say or do, but also reminds me to be aware and sensitive to how my words and intentions may be received. I believe that we should always strive to give people the benefit of the doubt and the opportunity to clarify their intent, just as I hope to be afforded the same chance. We need to create the possibility for true communication to occur in our interactions by opening our minds to it first.

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