I, too, feel we’re off to a good start! Your latest post has me continuing to think about purpose and change ~ the title Maryanne Williamson gave one of her books, The Gift of Change.
As I wonder about how to deal with an aging body and the idea of living with purpose I received a gift the other day in a phone visit with my sister by marriage. She shared she has an elderly friend who lives in the community where Francie grew up. At ninety-nine she still lives in her own home, using a walker and taking advantage of Meals on Wheels. Her purpose is writing and sending forty cards and letters a month to an extensive list of people, including Francie. Despite physical limitations she has purpose, one which brings her satisfaction and enjoyment in living. I want to be like that, living with all the changes in my life now, and as I grow older, living with joy and purpose.
I remember my aunts Kay and Angie who both lived into their nineties, Kay, to almost ninety-six. She not only had purpose but had such a zest for life! She not only continued her painting but, after ninety, wrote and illustrated a children’s book. It is a treasure!
So, as I deal with the challenge of gardening with my arthritic feet I remember the example those three women are for me ~ and I love what you said about why this time is a gift!!
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