02 July 2020

Beginnings - CW Response to Anonymous

It’s fun, “Anonymous”, to respond to your comment for both Vicki and I hope that conversations with people develop in blog.

 It is my deep belief that we all come to this life with gifts and a primary task of our lives is to learn about, then find, ways of sharing all the gifts we bring. We all have gifts ~ we all have a purpose! We are called to seek, to discover those gifts then share them with the world. It may be the ability to be a friend, to garden, to be an artist, a doctor, or a janitor ~ but to be one who loves their work no matter what it is. That we all have many gifts and to share them is why we are born needs to be taught to everyone, old and young!!! Instead, too often, we are taught to find ways to make a living.

 If we don’t discover our gifts, how can we know how to follow our bliss?

 As author and practical mystic, Kathleen Norris writes: “I began to see each one of us as a treasure bearer carrying our souls like a great blessing through the world.”

 This belief has been one which has grown from my own struggles from younger adulthood to the present. It really took root when I lived in Alaska. Living in Alaska was a wonderful thing ~ a blessed time. It opened me to new experiences and to new realities, to come to realize that the energy of life, of my life, is sheer potentiality. Now I look for ways to share those beliefs.


  1. Love that - life is "sheer potentiality" and "...carrying our souls like a great blessing through the world." Beautiful.

  2. Thank you! I always try to remind myself of both those statements.
